Pretty sure it's a very sexist ad implying that women are not good drivers. But, my actual answer I would put that the ad itself is trying to put across the message that the GMP Mini-automatic is easy to drive. B
The beliefs of early Romans were animistic in nature. They believed they were watched over by the ancestors. After Roman adoption of Greek mythology and gods and the absorption of Hellenistic culture, the worship of those gods (with changed games) was a public and official practice. Roman religiousness was not based on the search for divine grace but on mutual trust of god and man. Roman religion was aimed at securing cooperation, benevolence and peace from the gods (the so-called pax deorum).
The man in the cartoon is looking at what seems to be a news report about the drought in Ethiopia. The man is sitting down to watch the television. The man doesn’t care for the news report as can be seen by his reaction “just another darn repeat”. I believe the cartoonist thinks that the people in the west don’t care about what’s going on in Ethiopia.
iş the uncertainty in situational awareness experienced by participants in military operations. fog war simulates the unknowns of the battlefield