Black holes can indeed move through space. ... Astronomers know about the rapid motion of this black hole because it has a nearby companion star that's slowly being pulled apart by the gravity of the black hole.
The european union produces about 15% of the world's goods and services. The EU hosts only 6.9% of the world's population, but its trade with the rest of the world represents approximately 20% of world imports and exports. Approximately 62% of total trade is between the EU countries, it is one of the three main world trade powers. The other two are the United States and China.
EXPLANATION: In coal fired power plants, the water is heated by burning coals. The heat produced in this process will convert water into steam. The steam is allowed to rotate the turbine
c) The remains of plants and animals, now turned into fossils, have been discovered.
The discovery of remains of ancient plants and animals which has turned into fossils was an indicator to the archaeologists and paleontologists about the Baynunah formation in the area.
The earthquake and fires killed an estimated 3,000 people and left half of the city's 400,000 residents homeless. Aid poured in from around the country and the world, but those who survived faced weeks of difficulty and hardship