Ok you need it to more intresting because it sound boring
Please ask questions that make more sense!
A Brutus is ambitious for power of his own
Not the answer but I have Mr. Powers too
Assignment 1: Compare the clip from ants vs. Grasshoppers, It's a Bugs Life to the discussion of the Proles by Winston in Chapter 7 of 1984. Write 2 paragraphs relating the similarity of the messages between these two samples of literature. Make sure you breakdown the elements of the argument that "Chopper" gives, and that Winston gives. Use specific quotes from each selection and address: 1. How do the ants have the raw power to overthrow the grasshoppers?
2. How do the Proles have the power to overthrow Big Brother? For both selections, discuss why or why not will this happen?
Do you have what you put down?
One major way that teacher help in by school is by giving extra help sessions before or after school. Another way is that the teachers are a little more flexible and can extend the deadline for that students so that they can complete it. This is really helpful for those students who have other things going in life and at home