in my opinion, failure helps you learn more than success. Success gives you limits, like you only know what to do, but you dont know what not to do. Failure teaches you what not to do for present and future mistakes. Say like if you lost a spelling bee, you would learn to study more and not waist time playing. That failure taught you what not to do, and what to do. Also, another example, if a kid is going down a slide upside down, they would fall off the slide and hit their heads on the ground, they would learn not to do that anymore and to sit up correctly.
The answer that would best complete the given statement above would be option A. Historical context. The political, economic, or cultural environment that surrounds an event provides the event with its historical context. Context<span> is the "setting" for an event that occurs, and the elements, conditions, and characteristics of this specific time will have an impact on the relevance of the event. Hope this answer helps.</span>
Compound word
If you combine any 2 words and it makes a senseful word even though the meaning might be completely different,it is called a compound word. An example is Butter and Fly combined form butterfly. All 3 are proper english words. However is the combination doesnt make sense, it is called gibberish
If u think about it umm... it says pursuasive speech and to pursuave someone u have to get them u to belive something or to do soemthing. So i would pick lette C
Hope this helps :)