Hm, Maybe say you were supposed to go visit family?
I've been planning on going to (Place of choice) to visit family, but given the epidemic, my family has been scared to go visit. Since we could either have it or get it from someone over in (Place of choice). Not to mention that we were on lock down. Now instead we haven't thought of what to do instead. All I know is I won't get to see (Family member of choice) During the summer. The Corona virus hasn't only messed that up, but countless of other things too. Like how the masks we wear do nothing for our health because it doesn't keep anything from coming into our respiratory system, it keeps things from going out. we're essentially breathing in things that could harm us.
I nearly got ran over by a car at one point in elementary school
We were heading home one afternoon when we suddenly got rushed by a green jeep. It was at our bus stop, so we nearly ran headfirst into it on our way home.