The person is saying that they listened to their father and became successful because they knew when to shut up and when it was okay to argue back.
You can demonstrate illogical thinking in a persuasive text easily:
The point of a persuasive text is for them to make you believe or do something that they would like you to believe or do. So if they state something illogical than it should stand out as the illogical reference is most likely a main part of the subject or it wouldn't have been brought up they won't tend to think about things logically as in the science behind, or common sense wise they would have their own way of explaining that doesn't really agree with knowledge to say the least they would like think of it this way there are many illogical subjects like
- This is true because it hasn't been proven false
- This has to be true because if it was false then that would be bad
- This is true because everyone says its true
- This has to be a bad idea because bad people believe in this idea
- If this isn't completely true than its completely false
- This has to be true because smart people say that its true
- This happened after that so that MUST HAVE caused this
Look for these examples in your text and you should easily be able to tell when someone is speaking illogically
In conclusion she realizes that she got $50 000 when pushing the button, but that it had cost her her husband.
i think thats what it is!
The loyalty of David’s men ran deep and David cherished these men. In 2 Samuel 23:13-17 we read about a time when David was hiding from Saul and probably having spent days without much water nor food said longingly how he wished to drink from the waters of Bethlehem. Bethlehem at the time was under the control of the Philistines, but when his men heard David’s words, three of them snuck through the Philistine lines to get that water for David.
David’s response to their generous act showed the love and appreciation he had for their sacrifice. Instead of drinking the water, he poured the water out to God. He felt that was the only way that he could honor how they had risked their lives to get him the water in the first place. His response showed the heart of David, a man after God’s own heart, and it stands in great contrast to his callous message to Joab after Uriah’s death many years later, “for the sword devours now one and now another.”As much as David was called to be king, David’s Mighty Men were called to support him. God used these men to help establish David’s kingdom. Like David, Uriah answered his call and was faithful to the end and played his part in bringing about God’s promise.
Even though this event with Uriah is tragic and definitely leaves a bad impression of David, I love that God has imperfect leaders. His imperfect heroes reminds us every day people that God’s requirement is not perfection. It reminds me that you do not have to wait to be perfect to serve his purposes. But I wanted to bring Uriah’s story to light, a lesser known and almost forgotten hero. He too was a leader of men, a great warrior, faithful to God, and faithful to his mission. He also was God’s faithful servant
The polka is a livelier dance than the rumba.