¿El crucigrama de Islammico? (Lo siento, no hablo español jaja!)
Honestly I would love to help. I watched the debate and it was constant shouting. It was difficult to understand anything either of them were saying.
However, I do remember some issues that were brought up, if that helps.
Medicare and Medicade
White Supremacists
Thats all I can remember. I hope that helps at all. Sorry!
(I dont remember who brought those issues up. Try google.)
Ross Perot was given credit for forcing the
two major party candidates in 1992, President George H. W. Bush and Governor Bill
Clinton, to address the federal deficit, the amount by which annual government
spending exceeds incoming revenue.
In the year 1992, Ross Perot publicized his
plan to track presidential race and promoted a budget that is balanced, representation
of automated direct equality and to end job outsourcing.
Hi there!
When regions, places, monuments, or geographic features are discussed in politics, it is called geopolitics. Geopolitics mostly relate or is caused by global geographic features rather than by a smaller area.
Hope this helps!
waw Gracias por la respuesta te lo agra decorated te boy aseguir
waw muchas hracias