(main character) Son of Laertes and Anticleia, husband of Penelope and father of Telemachus. A cunning, shrewd and eloquent hero. Came up with the idea of the Trojan horse which led the Greeks to victory against Troy. king of ITHICA.
infant because he/she have brain is start growing.
The odd one out is <u><em>wood</em></u>. All of the other options are metals, but wood isn't.
The accumulation of excess electric charge is on an object is called <em><u>static electricity</u></em>. For example, you know how sometimes you shock yourself on shopping carts? This is because the combination of friction and metal causes electric buildup.
Hope this helps!
D, attracted.
The exhibition has attracted thousands of visitors.
i hope this helped at all.
I'm pretty sure it's C
if I had more context of the paragraph maybe A