There were so many amazing plans going through my head for the for the large amounts of money I would soon be making I thought, as I ran as quickly as I could.
No, Mary Warren never told the truth about what happened in the woods.
According to the story of the Salem Witch Trials, Mary Warren was a servant of John and Elizabeth Proctor. She and the other accused girls went on a mission of conjuring things and practicing witchcraft. They had ulterior motives for this Abigail Williams wished to accuse Elizabeth Proctor of witchcraft so that she could marry her husband.
Mary Warren knew the genesis of all of these but she did not tell the truth about the girls to the court. She rather accused her master and mistress of witchcraft, leading to her master's sentence to death and her mistress' imprisonment.
After school the next day, Jonas reports to the Annex of the House of the Old, where a desk attendant unlocks a door and respectfully directs Jonas to The Receiver's room. Jonas is surprised because no doors are ever locked. The attendant tells Jonas the locks are for privacy, which the Receiver needs to do his job.