The correct answer ic C. Both Antigone and Boadicea are heroines who choose their values over their lives, knowing they may die in the process.
Antigone decides to bury his brother despite the prohibition of the king of Tebas to do so because she believes that God's laws are greater than human laws.
Boadicea led war against occupying forces of the Roman Empire of her land. When she saw the inevitable loss, she poisoned herself and her daughters to avoid capture.
<span>I believe that the theme is about letting go (King Trident & Ariel), following your heart (Ariel & Herself), trickery (Ursala & Ariel) there are many themes in the Little Mermaid movie. Those are just a few.
Hope this helps! :)</span>
The problem is where. Photosynthesis is not a location. It is a process plants use to provide food for themselves. I'm not a biologist, but this how I imagine the sentence could be corrected.
<em>Answer</em><em>: </em><em>Photosynthesis is the process by which plants transform the environmental elements of sunlight, carbon dioxide, and water into needed carbohydrates. This process is accomplished by the green pigment in the plant identified as the chemical chlorophyll. </em>
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I think I've fixed the problem, but I've made the thought more complex by simplifying it, if that makes any sense. If someone else answers this, I'd likely take that answer. Anyway, what I've written does fix the problem.
copying work from is the definition of copying