But while it is true the Internet has made it easier for students to plagiarize, it's easy to forget that the Web is not as new of a technology as many seem to think. On the other hand, it's made plagiarism much easier to detect and prevent, creating tools to both catch mistakes and stop those who are acting in bad faith.
Well in that time racism played a pivotal role in society and in the movie "Hidden Figures" it shows a completely different point of view as a colored woman trying to be apart of a groundbreaking breakthrough of space exploration.That was made up of white males.
Long story short:
First black woman in history to be play a large role at NASA
Prediction. Unless you forgot to include the question mark at the end of the statement. Otherwise, it is a prediction since “will” is future tense.
Honestly if the first chapter does not grab my attention, I do not want to read the rest of the book. I want to be interested in what I am reading. If it is something that I hate, obviously I will be miserable reading the book.
restock that's all just it's hard to restock