OK I’ll answer this in the comment section
He means that if we would deliberate more and put things in perspective, all men would become students and observers because property and material possessions are mortal and would not stay forever, but truth is immortal and never dies.
Henry David Thoreau is a writer who is known for the simplicity of hissliterary works.
He sought to remove himself from all forms of social life and move closer to nature so he moved into a cabin he built on Walden Pond to reminisce.
His book <em>Walden</em> shows some of his experiences in the cabin he stayed in. He effectively said from his ode <em>Walten: </em>
<u><em>"With a little more deliberation in the choice of their pursuits, all men would perhaps become essentially students and observers, for certainly their nature and destiny are interesting to all alike. </em></u><u><em>In accumulating property for ourselves or our posterity, in founding a family or a state, or acquiring fame even, we are mortal; but in dealing with truth we are immortal, and need fear no change nor accident."</em></u>
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Purple leaves are caused by a pigment called anthocyanin. When sugars produced by the chlorophyll cannot be deposited in the growing stalks, leaves, and roots, they are converted to anthocyanin pigment which is red to purple in color.
• Acidic soils with pH lower than 5.5 may also cause purpling of the seedlings.
• Wet soils like this spring can also inhibit the nutrient uptake and cause purple leaves.
Purpling generally occurs between V2 to V5 stages of growth. By V8, purple leaf syndrome disappears and color becomes normal healthy green again.
• Any plant stresses which reduce uptake of phosphorus may also result in purple leaves and stalks. Root restrictions may also cause phosphate deficiency symptoms.
• Purple leaves may also indicate real phosphate deficiency in the soil.
• Soil compaction can make it difficult for the small roots to penetrate and absorb nutrients and seedlings show phosphate deficiency symptoms.
• Warmer days and cool nights can also cause purpling of leaves. Sunny and warmer temperatures help in the development of green color.
Stanton was a woman who wrote books about women's rights. In other words she was a female activist. Her books were very famous and she wrote three volumes on the very famous and important History of Women Suffrage book. She wrote the Women's Bible and an autobiography. Her life was dedicated towards women rights. She wrote until her death in 1902.