(A) The cell phone
We have the freedom of speech and that is demonstrated by the cell phone, the cell phone has social media plat forms that you can download and you can share an idea, thought or opinion with the freedom to do so.
The cell phone also has apps that can entertain you.
Answer: The answer is D
It is A and B combined. It sounds more Scientific and like there is research to back up their claim
You're never going to make it home if it starts raining.
The option best explains this excerpt's role in the problem-and-solution structure of the passage is A. The excerpt presents the solution to the overarching problem in the passage. Problem and solution is a pattern of the organization expressed as a dilemma or concerning issue and something that was done to remedy this issue or attempted solutions. Notes of a Native Son is a non-fiction book by James Baldwin. It was his first non-fiction book and was published in 1955.