In the first century, the romanticism wanted to recover the values that tradition, instinct, emotionalism that was not allowed during the time of enlightenment that favored the nationality. Romantic painters at high interest in human psychology therefore in their painting they were aiming at achieving the psychological and emotional feeling of the sitters
On the case of Goya, he captured not only the physical trait of the sitters but also the mind, and as a result, he was a genius in doing that.
This allows the supreme court to interpret the actions of the president and call them unconstitutional.
because 56.5% of all oil in the world is found in the middle east
Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo was a peace treaty between Mexico and the United States, signed on February 2, 1848 in the Mexican village of Guadalupe Hidalgo near Mexico City following the results of the Mexican- American War of 1846-1848.
The agreement established that Mexico, which has been defeated by the American military, had to cede up to 1.36 million km² (about 55% of its territory), which included the modern territory of the states of California, Nevada, Utah, New Mexico, Texas, parts of Arizona, Colorado, Wyoming, Kansas and Oklahoma. In addition, Mexico refused all requirements for Texas, and the international border was established on the Rio Grande River. In compensation, the United States pledged to pay 15 million dollars for damages to Mexican territory during the war. The United States also took on $ 3.25 million of Mexican government debt to US citizens.