The development of trade during the middle age increased thanks to the change given in the agriculture, which gave money, industry and markets a bigger importance in economy. The agriculture production was more than the consumption, which meant the creation of wider markets out of the areas. Besides, with the end of multiple wars, the population increased and new trade routes were created.
The United States should have dropped the atomic bomb due to Truman having very little choice.
Few actions in the were were justifiable. Truman had very little choice because he was faced with the Japanese refusal to surrender. This decision was based of the ( estimated ) half a million allied casualties likely to be caused by invading homeland islands of Japan. Also, there were likely death tests from starvation for Civilians as the war dragged on well into 1946
I'm pretty sure over 100,00 thousand and that is TOTALLY reasonable.
Answer: chief of which is a gradual decrease in the fertility and hence the productivity of Egypt’s riverside agricultural lands