The answer is A
I just took the assignment on USA test prep.
There is no systematic research only bits and pieces. Animal researchers have determined that some animals have a sense of justice (some monkey species will reject a treat if they see you give a better treat to another monkey), feel love and jealousy (dogs; the former from brain scan proof), feel anger, target specific humans for revenge (some birds), and thus that moral sense evolved.
Brain scans on humans making ethical choices in conditions of ethical conflict show that two brain regions, one akin to disgust and one to caluclating effects, are involved; people with brain injuries to the former (and psychopaths) calculate only using the latter. (Look up “the Trolley Hypothetical” online).
Earlier research about the stages of moral development have been debunked. Lawrence Kohlberg's stages of moral development - Wikipedia
Essentially anything affecting the human brain and human decision-making and human personality can also affect moral reasoning and the behavior choices related to it. Thus studies of criminals have shown that each additional bad thing increases the risk of later criminality, including being rejected by your Mom at birth, a difficult birth, Mom’s pre-natal drug/alcohol use, drug/alcohol abuse in the home, being a victim of or seeing violence, malnutrition, etc. Thus moral choices can have many influences.
Hamlet's speech from Act V scene i of the play "Hamlet".
These lines are said by Hamlet in Act V scene i of the tragedy play "Hamlet"by William Shakespeare. This play centers on the revenge act by a young prince for the murder of his father by his uncle. The play also shows the greed of the new King Claudius and the lengths he would go to conceal his secret.
The particular passage given in the question is from the dialogue of Hamlet when they were in the graveyard, talking of the different skulls the gravediggers had dug out. Hamlet asked Horatio or rather told him about how life and death can be so different. One can be the ruler of a mighty empire but after death, returns to the same dust that everyone turns back to. He further puts his point forward by suggesting that what if the dust of Alexander or Caesar for that matter, be used as clay to "<em>patch a wall t' expel the winter’s flaw!</em>"
<em>Abigail definitely intended for people to die. Especially Elizabeth, as Elizabeth knew about her affair with John Proctor. In scene one Abagail drinks blood as a charm in hopes of killing Elizabeth. With Elizabeth believing that Abigail wanting to take her place as John's wife, only causes more tension. Abigail went as far as stabbing her self in the stomach and blaming it on Elizabeth.</em>