You would never know what the setting is,if the characters are not known and if the settings are unknown the story would have to turn to the theme or the plot. when the charaters are unknown the effect is losing place in the story. It might be confusing but if it help letme know!!
the boy <u>is</u><u> </u> taller than his father <u />
'They are falling apart into great blocks of stone, and the forest is safer going.' AND 'No man of my tribe had seen it, not even my father, the priest. It was magic and I prayed.'
In the first quote we see that the narrator is cautious because he talks of the god-roads falling apart. He says that "the forest is safer going". These elements of this quote show us that he is taking care. The second quote shows how rare it is for the river to be seen in his tribe. He says that it "was magic" and that he prayed. One can assume that he is praying because he is in the presence of magic and he is being cautious about what may happen next.
the answers are
We followed the crowd of people funneling onto the bridge to cross into Manhattan. and “Why that’s President Arthur himself!” he exclaimed.