Governments use normative economics, and businesses use positive economics.
Normative economics concentrates on the importance of economic equity, or what the marketplace 'should be' or 'ought to be' whether positive economics is based on experience and cannot be confirmed or disallowed, normative economics is established on worth judgments. An example of positive economics is, an increment in tax rates eventually results in a reduction in total tax wealth. On the other hand, normative economics is, unemployment hurts an economy more than inflation.
European Emigration to the U.S. 1851 - 1860
Although the Irish potato blight receded in 1850, the effects of the famine continued to spur Irish emigration into the 20th century. Still facing poverty and disease, the Irish set out for America where they reunited with relatives who had fled at the height of the famine.
Freedom of speech
Because every human being have the human rights to express their feelings
Among the key changes brought by the Hart-Celler Act: Quotas based on nation of origin were abolished. For the first time since the National Origins Quota system went into effect in 1921, the national origin was no longer a barrier to immigration.