They use your data to provide personalised ads.
The implications of social media companies making use of your data which includes your cookies, browsing history, essentially your digital footprint is that they are able to send you personalised ads.
This is why when you search for a particular item on the net, the next half hour, you start getting buy recommendations for that item.
What r d questions?
Pls post the questions
Ik the answers cause it came in my exam last year...
here, a speech that took probably ten minutes to write, but can be read in a minute
A family is a group of individuals united by a strong bond! You are basically connected to each other for life. I think you can't really use a direct definition to describe a family, it's different for many people. You could be related by blood, and you could be bonded together through adoption. Some even consider very close friends as part of their family. Your family could be you, your siblings, and your parents and their parents. Your family could be just you and your best friend, your loyal Labrador. It could be a team of wild horses that saved you after you were disowned. Your family should support and love you though, no matter who you consider to be part of it.
Macbeth is presented as an honorable, courageous soldier, who valiantly fights for King Duncan. Only after meeting with the Three Witches does Macbeth's ambitious nature begin to develop. Despite his ambitious feelings, Macbeth is still a loyal soldier and is ashamed to admit his thoughts about murdering the king. Macbeth recognizes that his violent thoughts are terrible and treacherous. After Macbeth initially refuses to harm King Duncan, it is Lady Macbeth who coerces her husband into committing regicide.
Lacking development or progressive movement