Answer: The threats of environmental changes to the fitness, survival and reproductive success of individuals, and ultimately to the survival of species and ecosystems come from many directions: habitat destruction, disruption of food chains, changes in disease and parasitic loads, increased pollution and direct and indirect
The answer is ‘the only truly distinctive primate trait’. Prehensile hands are a distinctive trait of primates an opposable thumb (capable of grasping). The digits have nails instead of claws, and tactile pads enriched with sensory nerve fibers at the ends of digits to feel to manipulate objects.
I'm assuming you meant and frailness not fertility, in which case it is the oldest old period
Question: If they aren't hermaphrodites, can they still be male and female at the same time?
Facts: Different snails reproduce differently, but most snails are "hermaphrodites." Being a hermaphrodite means that any given snail can be both male and female at the same time. This can make it a lot easier for snails to reproduce and quickly make a whole lot of snails! Some hermaphrodite snails do not need another snail to reproduce, but can make more snails all by themselves (this is called asexual reproduction). Other snails are hermaphrodites but still need another snail to reproduce (this is called sexual reproduction). There are also some snails that aren't hermaphrodites, but are either male or female, and must find a snail of the opposite sex to breed with.