What romeo means is juliet is the enemy of there side and thou may love shall not continue but still will
A. to draw hurriedly or haphazardly
"He had spent the afternoon staring at a blank canvas on which he was supposed to paint his final project for his art class. He was out of ideas. Then, as he stared at pork chops, he suddenly had an idea! He rushed over to the butcher and asked him for some butcher paper and a pen. Upon receiving the paper and pen, Jack began furiously scratching a picture on the paper. "
From the context clues around the sentence, you can imagine Jack receiving the pen and paper and quickly sketching his idea on the paper.
The tour guide EXPLAINS that either candles or a lantern IS used to see into the tomb.
Tour guide is singular. Therefore, verb used must be in singular form.
Lantern is singular and it is the nearest subject of the verb. Thus, the verb must also be in singular form.
Stanzas do not have to repeat but sometimes they do depending on the author. Repetition has been one of the bases for many poetic forms. This can heighten the emotional impact of a piece. <span> A sound, syllable, word, phrase, line, stanza, or metrical pattern can be repeated. Hope this answers your question.</span>