Explanation: i apologize in advance if it is not, i am good at history but learned this years ago
Mongol leader Genghis Khan (1162-1227) rose from humble beginnings to establish the largest land empire in history. After uniting the nomadic tribes of the Mongolian plateau, he conquered huge chunks of central Asia and China. His descendants expanded the empire even further, advancing to such far-off places as Poland, Vietnam, Syria and Korea. At their peak, the Mongols controlled between 11 and 12 million contiguous square miles, an area about the size of Africa.
General Washington fought in 17 battles in the Revolutionary War, winning 6 of the battles, losing 7 of them, and fighting to a draw in 4 battles.
Na geografia<span> da </span>Antiguidade<span>, especialmente em fontes </span>romanas<span>, </span>Dácia<span> era o nome dado à região habitada pelos </span>dácios<span> (ou </span>getas<span>, como eram conhecidos pelos </span>antigos gregos<span>), um ramo dos </span>trácios<span> que vivia a norte dos </span>Bálcãs.<span>A Dácia tinha como suas fronteiras meridionais o </span>rio Danúbio<span> - Istro (</span>Istros<span>), nas fontes gregas) - ou, em sua maior extensão, o </span>Monte Hemo<span> (em </span>latim<span>: </span>Haemus Mons<span>), atual cordilheira dos Bálcãs. A </span>Mésia<span> (</span>Dobrogea<span>), uma área a sul do Danúbio, era o centro da região onde os getas viviam e interagiam com os antigos gregos. A leste, tinha como fronteiras naturais o </span>Ponto Euxino<span> (</span>Mar Negro) e o rio Danastro (Danastris<span>, atualmente </span>Dniester), citado nas fontes gregas como Tiras (Tyras<span>). Diversos povoados dácios foram </span>
<span>Three effects Africa encountered because of European Imperialism were shortages of natural resources, death of Africans from European diseases, and increase of wars and revolutions. Europeans exported raw materials, such as diamonds, gold, and timber. However, the constant mining and deforestation caused a lack of resources for Africans and hurt their economies. With Europeans colonists coming into the African nations, European diseases like small pox were introduced and killed large numbers of the population. Europeans colonizing Africa destroyed cultures and their local politics. This caused uprisings in many cultures, and civil wars erupted within cultures. Furthermore, revolutions led by African natives occurred against European colonists.</span>