"As I realized that our right wing would no longer fly and I couldn't raise it, and was trying to hold left rudder and aileron,
my left foot kept slipping off the rudder pedal," says Maxwell. "I looked down and said, ‘Oh my God.’ My whole left leg and foot were covered with blood, and there was a pool of blood and it was all over that rudder pedal. And I knew I’d been hit in the left side with shrapnel. But then I realized: It ain’t blood, it’s hydraulic fluid. "At no time did I feel heroic or any of that kind of stuff," he says. "Hell, I was scared. I didn’t want to die, but I had to do whatever I needed to do. The thing that sticks out in my mind the most was when I realized we were going to be crashing into the Atlantic Ocean, and I thought we were goners. But in a last-minute desperate effort to avoid catastrophe, I kicked in full right rudder and threw the plane into a skid, and sure enough, instead of our cartwheeling and breaking up and exploding, the water put the fire out, and the airplane broke in three pieces, but it didn’t explode or burn." Seven of the 10 crew members survived.
Answer: Los 3 principales beneficios de Panamá son su belleza, conecta América del Norte y América del Sur, y es conocida por su increíble música y cultura.