A thesis with a general topic (your answer is a) because then you break down your essay into more detail, using the topic sentence you created to describe what you would be talking about in your essay. Hope this helps.
In "The Wife of Bath's Tale," which of part of "The Canterbury Tales," by Geoffrey Chaucer, the Knight is ordered to find out what women most desire. That is how he meets the Wife of Bath. She is a well-off woman who has been married before, so she is quite experienced in love and sex matters. She is also wise, talkative and quarrelsome. Her previous marriages have made her able to supply for herself in a time in which women had little autonomy and strength. As a result, she is used to using her body to manipulate her husbands.
by insisting that everyone with a soul deserves rights
In the excerpt she says that "if the negro be a soul, if the woman be a soul...to one Master only are they accountable." Throughout the passage, Fuller uses various ways to insist that everyone deserves rights. She strengthens her arguments by comparing women's rights to those of the negro. She uses her arguments to show that if an African American should not be held in bondage, neither should a woman. It doesn't matter your race or gender, if you have a soul, you deserve the same rights as everyone else.
The revival of a classical or treament of art
I think the best response would be to consult with your supervisor to avoid being in a heated conversation with the customer. The worst response would probably be to ask what prices she had in mind. No one wants to say what prices they had in mind because its embarrassing.