Piracy--the attack of piracy was the attacking of ships and taking of the goods.
Pirate or privateers worked in crews with a hierarchy targeting merchant ships to attack and take the good on the ship. The goods would then be sold on the black market or traded for other more valuable items. Royal ships were especially targeted as they often contained gold and other luxury items.
Well if your talking about today then the most prevalent is a tie between social media, and the news. But <span>if your talking about like World War l, for example, then posters were prevalent in Britain and Germany because they could target at any audience.</span>
abigail was an intelligent girl who wished that she could attend school her frustration over not being able to get a better education led her to argue for women's rights later on in life abigail was a young lady when she first met john adams a young country lawyer John was a friend of her sister mary's fiancé she also was one of only two women to have been both wife and mother to two U.S. presidents (i believe other then being Barbara Bush) she was also famous for her early advocacy of several divisive causes including women's rights female education and the abolition of slavery
"King Ferdinand
" and "Queen Isabella"
King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella, help finance his journey.
John Marshall is the correct anwser