La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.
Las características de estos instrumentos son los siguientes.
El mapa, es la representación gráfica pero más sencilla de un lugar. Podríamos decir que es la descripción simplificada de un sitio, que incluye información métrica. El mapa es el documento básico que usamos para localizar un territorio determinado.
Las cartas sirven a la Geografía representando escalas con mayor detalle. Esto las diferencia de los mapas. En las cartas se pueden representar relieves más finos, incluyendo curvaturas.
Los planos son una herramienta muy útil en la cartografía porque son representaciones o descripciones que ayudan a la Geografía a describir extensiones de territorios a pequeñas escala.
En el caso del globo terráqueo, éste básicamente es usado por los profesores en las escuelas como un respaldo académico, cuyo objeto es enseñarle a los estudiantes las características generales de nuestro planeta. Es una manera lúdica y participativa de enseñar las curvatura de la tierra, los nombres de los continentes, los océanos, entre otras cosas.
The correct answer is D
During the 20th century, there was an increasing interest in the environment. The impact of human activity on the environment has been observed locally since centuries. Pollution of canals and chimneys in crowded urban areas etc were all causes of concern.
However, with a better understanding of our earth and increase in Medical knowledge of the 20th century, we could observe how our activities were having a global impact on the ozone layer and the melting ice caps.
Evidence was also provided on how human health was affected by this. The use of fossil fuels was not only directly damaging to the atmosphere, it was also dangerous for humans e.g. carbon monoxide produced by car emissions.
Answer: People who think more through the right side of the brain tend to be more creative.
Explanation: There is a term called lateralization. Lateralization means that some processes and functions entwine with left or right side of the brain more. People who tend to say that they are more ''left-brained'' are more logical and the people that say they are more ''right-brained'' are more creative. They have better emotional intelligence and their imagination developed, good intuition etc.
Meld into one nation diverse groups who are peaceful within her borders and have a broader loyalty to the country than the group they belong to. In Canada, (where I live) I like to think that the hatred shown between Muslims and Christians, Hindus and both, Jews and Arabs, is an imported emotion. It's not true of course. We're just much quieter about it.
B.rely on wind power rather than electricity