freckled-fuchsia flowers bloom in spring and then again in a second bloom period beginning late July or early August, and keeps on going into November
After new moon it is waxing crescent
So False
1 . globalization = the integration of world economies or cultures
2 . bushmeat = food source obtained from hunting wild animals
3 . desertification = a change causing an area to become more arid
4 . groundwater = water beneath the earth's surface that supplies wells and springs
5 . cash crop = agricultural products grown to be sold
6 . desalinization = the removal of salt from something, e.g., ocean water
7 . sustainable = meeting current needs without reducing the ability to meet future needs
8 . organic farming = crop production that minimizes the use of chemicals
This is the correct way to match the definitions and the terms. All of these ideas relate to the topic of the environment and agriculture. Organic farming and sustainability are relevant topics in agriculture that help us protect our environment. On the other hand, cash crops and desertification are methods or processes that harm the Earth. Groundwater and desalinization play a role as they allow us to access water that irrigates our crops. Finally, globalization deserves to be mentioned as it is a process that puts significant pressure on our natural resources and agricultural industry.
The world's growth population decreasing but slowly. The growth rates on 2019-2020 are about %1.14 and have only decreased %0.2 since the 2000s. If this tendency of -0.2 percent continues, by the end of the century there would be a %0.314 growth of world population.
To reach a end of growth towards the end of the century other factors have to be involved, like worlds remaining resources ( water, food) and estimated analysis on birth/death data to have an idea of how the world population would growth would behave.