nosotros somos Mejores amigos
1: Yo hablo a las diez
2: La clase de historia termina a menos cinco.
3: Paz y Ricardo estudian
They are the correct forms of the verbs, but I don't understand what is "a2" at the number 3.
Significa que para ese tiempo el ser humano era considerado como el más importante, por decirlo en otras palabras como si fuesen el centro del universo y se tenían que resolver sus necesidades porque eran prioridades. Es como si se creyeran dioses
(Answer from fer2233)
I have a good number of tasks to do in my house. One of them is cleaning the kitchen and dusting all the cabinets in my house. I also have to make sure my room is cleaned every day and the bathroom. Another of my tasks is to clean the room and make sure everything is together. We have a lot of few rooms in my house and I am charging to clean some of them. The room in which you will describe your family room has some sofa sofas, TV, a technical task and a small closet.