It provides the adventures he has had.
We can learn what animals contribute to our sociality and what animals we need to worry about
like bees and butterflies pollinate our flowers but like mosquitoes infect us with viruses
The event in English history that came to be known as the Glorious Revolution is the OVERTHROW OF JAMES II AND THE CROWING OF WILLIAM III AND HIS WIFE MARY II.
The Glorious Revolution refers to the overthrown of King James ll of England in 1688 by a union of English parliamentarians and William lll. William lll invaded England with a Dutch fleet and army, he defeated James ll and ascended the throne as William lll of England together with his wife, who was named Mary ll. His wife happened to be the daughter of James ll, who was overthrown.
Josh used insight to solve his problem. He learned what Donna did solved her problem, so he will solve his problem the same way.
in the words of Aristotle, in the Rhetoric, rhetoric is "...the faculty of observing in any given case the available means of persuasion". According to Aristotle, this art of persuasion could be used in public settings in three different ways.