L0ckdown measures have been introduced worldwide to contain the transmissi0n of C0VID-19.
A number of studies showed positive impacts of l0ckdown in China and European countries.
Although the term ‘l0ckdown’ is now ub1quitous, it is not well-defined.
There are also no clear definitions of commonly used adjectives for the term such as ‘total l0ckdown’ and ‘partial l0ckdown’; and ‘hard’ or a ‘soft’ l0ckdown.
We have define ‘l0ckdown’ using a two-by-two matrix based on whether measures are c0mpulsory or v0luntary; and whether they are targeted at ident1fiable individuals and facilit1es, or applied 1ndiscriminately to a general population.
We describe the design, timing and 1mplementation of l0ckdown in nine countries in sub-S4haran Afr1ca: Gh4na, N1geria, S0uth Afr1ca, S1erra Leo0ne, Sud4n, T4nzania, Ug4nda, Zamb1a and Z1mbabwe.
This paper highlights the need for intersect0ral and transd1sciplinary research capable of providing a rig0rous and h0listic assessment of the harms and benefits of l0ckdown.
Micaluna come over here they deleted the question here's the ring I don't know if will fit or not but you can get it sized 100 points
c. expanding the Modernist line into photography
Minor White was an American photographer who worked through the 20th century.<u> His work was crucial to introducing modernism and post-modernism in photography. </u>
This is because Minor White’s photography was <u>amongst the first which showed modernist ideas of breaking with the past realistic and traditional photography</u>. Instead, he showed his own view and reality. Part of his work is also focused on spirituality and contemplations about the world and existence<u> through abstract compositions.</u>
He was concerned not only with the photography itself and what is presented, but how it was organized and presented to the viewers. The accent of his work was on expression and feelings he would provoke.
Paintings are located in rock shelters and beneath cliffs