A judge who is well respected by his peers
A lawyer who agrees to take a difficult case would have a hard time managing all the paperwork, and evidence for their client to win the case or get a deal. A law student who doesn't need to study would have a hard time as they may have the knowledge but not the experience. So this leaves the last option which is a judge who is well respected by his peers. If his well respected by his peers, he must have the experience and knowledge to deal with certain difficult cases. Whether they may be difficult or easy, it would be undaunted as he would not be discouraged by the challenge because he already has the experience and knowledge to face the case.
their: meaning a person or their possession
there: meaning a place
they're: Meaning (they are) mixed together to meaning someone doing a action or describing someone.
Antigone is brought before Creon, and admits that she knew of Creon's law forbidding mourning for Polynices but chose to break it, claiming the superiority of divine over human law, and she defies Creon's cruelty with courage, passion and determination.
Answer:The answer is Exposition
which is A