he is saying if you get arrested the people sister like him and he felt safe in the jail
if he is in jail he will be safe from the town people
Pioneer settlers were sometimes pulled west<span> because they wanted to make a better living. Others received letters from friends or family members who had </span>moved west<span>. These letters often told about a good life on the frontier. The biggest factor that pulled </span>pioneers west was the opportunity to buy land. On their journeys which were thousands of miles, they encountered disease, treacherous roads and enemies.<span> Traveling rough roads in covered wagons often resulted in death from failed river crossings, accidents or Indian attacks.</span>
Answer:best answer to me is A
To reinforce America's stance as a global superpower as a force not to be reckoned with- as it was a huge show of force.
<span>prophet whom daniel probably heard as a boy was Jeremiah
<span>godly king who brought reform to judah was Josiah
<span> king who took people of judah captive was nebuchadnezzar
<span>king who held a blasphemous feast
<span>symbolic of the babylonian empire was a he goat
<span>last king under whom daniel was in authority
<span>symbolic of grecian empire was the bear
<span>king under whom daniel was rescued from lions was darius
<span>symbolic of medo-persian empire...lion
<span>godly king from whom daniel was descended was Josiah</span>