If this is a given definition, the term is "array".
Non-Payload Bytes sent are 1476(total) - 393 (payload) = 1083 bytes
1083 (non-payload) out of 1476(total) is 73.37 %
Non-Hello bytes sent are 1476(total) - 53(hello payload) = 1425 bytes
1425(non-hello) out of 1476(total) is 96.54 %
public class Calculator {
private int total;
private int value;
public Calculator(int startingValue){
// no need to create a new total variable here, we need to set to the our instance total variable
total = startingValue;
value = 0;
public int add(int value){
//same here, no need to create a new total variable. We need to add the value to the instance total variable
total = total + value;
return total;
* Adds the instance variable value to the total
public int add(){
// no need to create a new total variable. We need to add the value to the instance total variable
total += value;
return total;
public int multiple(int value){
// no need to create a new total variable. We need to multiply the instance total variable by value.
total *= value;
return total;
//We need to specify which value refers to which variable. Otherwise, there will be confusion. Since you declare the parameter as value, you need to put this keyword before the instance variable so that it will be distinguishable by the compiler.
public void setValue(int value){
this.value = value;
public int getValue(){
return value;
I fixed the errors. You may see them as comments in the code
1: A loop will continue running until the defined condition returns false . ... You can type js for , js while or js do while to get more info on any of these. ... initialization - Run before the first execution on the loop. ... But it can be used to decrement a counter too.
2: The loop increments the value of new while the loop condition is true. The end value of new is 3.
3: We could use some sort of finger recognition or face so they don’t have to type in their password.
4: give them a second chance for their date of birth.
5: sum = 0 must be before for loop. If inside for loop, it will keep resetting sum to 0 each iteration.