I believe the answer is Austria.
This is a matter of Criminal Law.When you break a law, you are committing a crime. When you break a law, you have a legal punishment. The penalty increases the faster the person travels above the speed limit. The most severe punishments are for those who travel faster than 20 miles per hour above the speed limit.
The law is intended to protect people's safety.The source of the law is a statute – a written law that tells us what to do and what not to do. Since it is a local law that “outlines punishments,” it is also a municipal law.
Many people will be killed on the road if speed limit is not followed.he purpose of the law is to stop people from speeding. Speeding can cause accidents that hurt the driver or other people. The faster you go increases the risk of an accident. The law is intended to protect people’s safety. If it did not exist, people could drive whatever speed they wanted. They could drive 100 mph in a school zone. In the scenario, he was driving 22 mph over the speed limit and his wife and unborn child were in the car. He could have had an accident and killed all of them.
the power in Germany. Using rare footage, the film explores their ideology, propaganda, and persecution of Jews and other victims. It also outlines the path by which the Nazis and their collaborators led a state to war and to the murder of millions of people. By providing a concise overview of the Holocaust and those involved, this resource is intended to provoke reflection and discussion about the role of ordinary people, institutions, and nations between 1918 and 1945.
The EUro has pros. Such as transparency, reducing cost of exchange, reducing cost of printing, the same and anticipated monetary policy in every member country etc.