Makhaya Ntini a famous South African cricketer suffered from charges of r ape. His very promising career ended suddenly when charges of R ape were levied against him in year 1990. In lower lever trial courts he was found to be guilty. Ntini was accused by his 21 year old neighbour that he gave her lift and took her to toilets of the stadium and r aped her.
In appeal Ntini Makahaya was proved to be innocent.
Veracity evaluation of news media reporting and other types of communication, such as political speeches, is the aim of fact-checking. Learn about fact-checking and how to look into statements or news reports.
<h3>Specifying False News</h3>
- You may have heard of a 1998 Lancet article that suggested immunizations may contribute to autism.
- Although this study has subsequently been discredited, it is an intriguing illustration of how scientific research can be presented as "facts" when it may not be.
- Fake news is untrue information that has been carefully modified to appear as reliable journalistic reporting.
- It is then easily distributed online to huge audiences that are eager to believe the lies.
To learn more False News refer:
No she can't because she is the teacher and she can tell the school principal
When I do count the clock that tells the time