C. he cares more for Pip's future and happiness than money.
Well a lot of people can be adictic to technology and it can be bad to health . people considered technology as something to entertain their self but it can be dangerous if you used it too often it can make you less useless in real life .
The "Nut Graph" is known as the paragraph that helps to put the story in context, provides any additional information that may be useful for the reader and that can lead to a better understanding of it.
The Nut Graph is often the third or fourth paragraph of the news story and the information that contains is always related to how the context affects the reader and the story as well.
In journalism, it is used when the writer considers that the reader will need more context in order to understand why, what, who and how it happened, without really saying it, because this answers are normally given during the first and second paragraph.
Personification is the attribution of a personal nature or human characteristics to something non-human, or the representation of an abstract quality in human form.