Criticism of imperialism in "A Passage to India"? explain. ... economically exhausted and facing a nonviolent nationalist movement in India led by Gandhi, ...
The Nazi usages of the term Lebensraum were explicitly racial, to justify the mystical right of the racially superior Germanic peoples (Herrenvolk) to fulfill their cultural destiny at the expense of racially inferior peoples (Untermenschen), such as the Slavs of Poland, Russia, Ukraine, and the other non–Germanic .
The human cost in WWII was over 75 million in total. 40 million civilians were brutally killed due to Genocide, diseases,massacres, mass-bombings, and starvation. The effect on comptempery society allowed the rise of the Soviet Union and the United States. For both their international involvement increased severely.
To get wealthy and expand empires which worked until the Chofu American cough revolution cough. Hope this helps
I don't know what you're referring to, and don't think it was much different than defending against a number of well-armed, trained, and disciplined troops. If anything, the German Army in WWII was a really tough bunch.
<span>Two things may show some differences, however, at least in the war in the Pacific. Japanese were far more willing to fight to the last man, rather than surrender, whereas most German units would stick the white flag up when it was clear that they had lost the engagement, and had no retreat. In "island hopping", the US also took on extremely fortified Japanese positions that were not destroyed with even massive bombing and naval fire</span>