1) flat
2) interval
3) half step (?)
4) A flat
5) whole step
6) B (supposed to be a W at the end)
7) D (Supposed to be a W at the end, scales run in octaves, octaves are 8 notes)
8) the second one (the flats of e flat major are B,E,A)
Training and tending a bonsai tree is stress-free, rewarding hobby that does not have to be done in a hurry. Growing bonsai is a chance to relax your grip, step back and enjoy the natural beauty of plant life from the comfort of your own home.
From these decisions, your group is benefiting from specialization.
The word chromatic comes from the greek word chroma, color, and is used in music to refer to the chromatic scale or musical scale. The scale does have 12 pitches, in which each is considered as a semitone above or below another. So, if notes are equally-tempered in a musical scale, then that mean they are equally spaced — nondiatonic scale.