La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.
Las etapas de la prehistoria básicamente son:
La Edad de Piedra. Durante esta época hace muchos miles d años, los primeros humanos comenzaron a realizar algunas actividades con el apoyo de las piedras, como objetos y utensilios para abrir o romper cosas.
Las divisiones de esta etapa son el Paleolítico, Mesolítico y el Neolítico-
La Edad de los Metales. Durante esta época, los humanos empiezan a descubrir cómo trabajar con ciertos metales. Hacen a un lado las piedras y se sirven de los metales para avanzar. En esta etapa también comienza la formación de las primeras civilizaciones.
Luego ya vienen la Edad Antigua y grandes civilizaciones, la Edad Media y las grandes monarquía Europeas y los señores feudales. Aquí también se incluye la era de la Exploración y el descubrimiento de América, el Renacimiento y la Ilustración.
Luego viene la edad moderna de los 1700s hasta nuestra época actual.
At the end of 1962, President John F. Kennedy asked his brother, Attorney General Robert
Kennedy, to compile a report on the Civil Rights enforcement activities of the Justice
Department over the previous year. In this report, submitted on January 24, 1963, Robert
Kennedy notes “progress” overall, but reminds the President that difficult race problems remain
“not only in the South . . . but throughout the country.”
Though the year was marked by the deadly riots at the University of Mississippi over the
admittance of a black student, Kennedy maintains a sense of optimism and hope for the future.
He calls 1962 “a year of great progress in civil rights, in large measure because of the
responsibility and respect for law displayed by the great majority of the citizens of the South.”
He does not deny, however, that many difficult problems remain, and he cites the disregard of
voting rights and regulations in some southern states as a continuing problem desperately in need
of reform.
Kennedy also notes progress made in African American employment and the desegregation of
schools and public transportation. For these gains he credits the increasing cooperation of the
southern people and calls this “the emerging spirit of the South.” Evident throughout his report is
his faith that the people and the government of the United States will be able to accomplish their
objectives through persistence and compassion. The report reflects the true purpose of the Civil
Rights Movement: to fight racism and apathy in order to enact positive change and ultimately
gain equal rights.
Kennedy was correct in believing that the Civil Rights Movement would continue to advance.
The landmark Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965 outlawed racial
discrimination and removed many voting obstacles for African Americans.
Hello Teddy Bear here (?-?)
In ancient Egypt, the cattle count was one of the two main means of evaluating the amount of taxes to be levied, the other one being the height of the annual inundation. A very important economic event, the cattle count was controlled by high officials, and was connected to several cultic feasts.
Hope this helps (8.8)
<span>There were many different native tribes in Peru at the time of Spanish colonisation - it is estimated to be 2000. However, most of these tribes were wiped out because they had no immunity to diseases brought by the Spanish. The Inca Empire dominated the people living in the Andes and western Peru.</span>
San Francisco Bay and California ports
The conflict between the United States and Mexico began after the Westward Expansion when American settlers began to settle in Texas, which was part of Mexico. The tension started to arise and brought into conflict when Mexican President Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna is forced to signs a treaty in 1836 by the American government.
United president James K. Polk ordered American naval commander John D. Sloat to seize San Francisco Bay and California's coastal towns in case of war with Mexico. The war did begin and came to be known as the Mexican-American War.