Germany had huge economical problems after the WWI and they are widely seen caused by the Versailles Peace treaty. Besides huge war debts Germany also needed to pay in total 132 billion marks of reparations for the Allies. Beginning from the 1921 Germany faced a huge inflation often referred as hyperinflation.
The north american air mass is a large body with generally uniform temperature and humidity. the area from which air mass originates is called source region. the air mass source regions range from extensive snow covered polar areas to deserts to a tropical oceans.
The three factors that led Europeans to want to explore during the Age of Exploration are typically listed as “god, gold, and glory.” It is said that some mixture of these three factors influenced Europeans to go exploring.
Most people today would say that gold was the most important factor. The term “gold” refers not just to gold itself but to wealth in general. The Europeans wanted to explore because they felt it would make.
1- protecting the German motherland
2- German Aryans being the master race
3- Women were only useful for creating more Aryan babies
1- Protecting the German motherland led the Nazis to try to take over the territories they lost in the Treaty of Versailles
2- Race nationalism during WWII had the biggest affect out of anything else that happened in this war. Race nationalism led to 6 million Jewish people getting murdered in concentration camps.
3- The Nazi ideology only included males, and believed that Aryan women should be producing more Aryan children as soon as they can, so those Aryan children can help fight in the war.