They were counted as full equals
those of first Nations heritage living in the forested, mountainous region of North america
Ellis Island was the hub for millions of immigrants coming into the United States. Ellis Island functioned as the the first stop for immigrants coming into the United States from 1892 until 1954. Ellis Island now serves as a museum of the long immigrant history of the United States.
The Colosseum.
The Pantheon.
The Baths of Carcalla.
The Arc of Constantine.
Circus Maximus.
The Tower of Hurcules.
The Pyramid of Cestius.
The Arena of Nimes.
The Baths of Trajan.
Porta Nigra.
Was a way of honoring and caring for the gods that have created them.
Daily offering ceremonies in temples were one of the most commonly practiced rituals in ancient Egypt. Offering food, clothing, carvings, weapons, tools and so forth These daily ritual were supervised by temple priests.