It can be availability of raw materials cheaply and abundantly
Government policies
Labour, both skilled and unskilled
Closeness to market
"Enclosure” refers to the consolidation of land, usually for the stated purpose of making it more productive. The British Enclosure Acts removed the prior rights of local people to rural land they had often used for generations.
According to creation myth of the Abrahamic religions, the first man on Earth was Adam. Book of Genesis of the Hebrew Bible describes his life with first women on Earth, Eva, in Garden of Eden. The story about Adam and Eva is central in the belief of God creating human beings to live in paradise on Earth. T<span>hey later fell away from that state, which led to forming the present world full of suffering and injustice. The doctrine of the fall of man and original Sin is very important belief in Christianity, and it is not shared by Judaism or Islam.</span>
No, because that is out of our range of sight and tools to search space.