My friends Loles, Antonio and Karen (1) ask me if I want to go to Italy with them this summer. I (2) say: "Yes, yes, yes!" They (3) want to ask for a book or two from the art history teacher. I (4) want to give them a very interesting photo album. My sister's boyfriend is Italian. He has a collection with two thousand four hundred and sixty-three photos of many cities and museums in his country. (5) I'm going to ask my sister where my parents already have it (6) I'm going to say: "Mom, dad, I'm going to Italy with some friends in August!" Miss Casanova (7) is going to lend a couple of books and the boyfriend of Ángeles (8) is going to lend his wonderful album
Here ya go dear
Spanish: Desde que empezó la escuela compré ropa bonita. Compré una camisa azul, pantalones rojos y zapatos negros. También compré un elegante collar para acompañarlo.
English: Since school started I bought some nice clothes. I bought a blue shirt, red pants, and black shoes. I also bought a fancy necklace to go with it.
Exterminio de las culturas en America
The right answer is, False.
The statement is false, because according to the previous text the person who is telling it, says that the date is Wednesday, January 1st.