A pair of words that describe a noun
Since Blacks and Hispanics are predominantly working in low-paying jobs, which are more likely to have been affected by pandemic and see more employment declines during recessions, the wage gap in the USA is likely to widen.
Yo¡¡¡ xD
Estoy dispuesto a ayudar; sin embargo no se nada del tema, pero quiero aprender.
Aprendo rápido y conozco paginas como también herramientas para no ser una carga.
Que dices me dejas unirme a tu aventura xD.
B.) All americans must be prepared to fight for the safety and freedom of the united states.
The second to last question is :
It means "prefer" or "better"
The last question is :
He asks for us not to engage on war so we don't persih and suffer.