1. decide what kind of essay to write.
2. brainstorm your topic.
3. research the topic.
4. choose a writing style.
5. develop a thesis.
6. outline your essay.
7. write your essay.
8. edit your writing to check spelling and grammar.
The phrase that contributes most to the mentioned passage is”
“I will never forget”.
Samuel’s Memory is a memoir written about how the native Indians of America had to face at the hands of the white Americans. They had to be relocated and restart their lives.
Samuel’s recount’s the same and shares how he lost his mother at that time, making him feel lonely and sad. Even though it is his great-grandson who writes this encounter, the memory is so vivid in Samuel’s mind that he yet expresses the same as if it may have happened recently.
Hence, depicting that he shall never forget what happened and how it affected him.
A citation is using a particular idea that you got from another author. A quotation is using the exact words of another author. Note that some people refer to a "citation" as a "paraphrase."
Description The noun that designates an object perceptible by the senses, as opposed to the abstract nouns, which designate objects only perceptible by thought, is called a concrete noun, or concrete name. Thus, hand, cloud, cat, stone and iron are nouns concrete
The answer is Imperialists
This opinion expressed by Henry Cabot Lodge associates most closely with Imperialists views.