Confidence is definiely important and you should absolutely show off your accomplishments! Just try not to sound too pompous.
no i would give my family some money then when everyone is like out of lockdown and that i would go to a hospital with my siblings and see if they can play with the ill patients and then whilst they are playin i would ask the parents how much they need for treatment and help them out
If you ever fall in love, expect it to hurt, and remember it.
"in the sweet pangs of it remember me" this part is tricky, "sweet pangs" basically meansthat the love thiu will experience will hurt, and thus they will be reminded of their past lover; "of it remember me". If thou shalt ever love = If you ever find new love, in the sweet pangs of it = it will be sweet, but tragic, remember me = you will be reminded of me in the end.
Where are the sentences ?