global market opportunities
Most European explorers of the 1400s, like Columbus or Ferdinand Magellan, were sailors working either for private merchant companies, or for nation states seeking new trade opportunities.
For example, Columbus sailed west looking for a new sea route from Europe to Asia, since communications between the two continents had been made difficult by Ottoman dominance over the Eastern Mediterranean, and Persian dominance over Central Asia. Columbus, in fact, died without having realized that he had landed in the Americas.
The Holocaust. (Heres some filler text because answers need to be at least 20 characters long for some reason)
The American Civil War preserved the Union and freed the slaves. However, during Reconstruction, a lack of political focus on the effort failed to solve the sectional wounds, and the elimination of the freed slaves' newly gained civil liberties failed to bring about long-term racial integration
Hope This Helps
he showed it to them but never actually made the decision to drop it
it scared everybody and he felt to horrible if he drooped it.
In 1931 Japan invaded the Chinese in search of raw materials for its growing industry. By 1937 a large section of China was controlled by Japan and war crimes against the Chinese had become fairly common. Many believe that this ended up contributing to the isolation of Japan. This incident is said to have not been authorized by the Japanese government but many say the Japanese troops decided themselves.