Protest the excesses of the Vatican
Years ago Native Americans discovered what they believed was a gold mine. They noticed a herd of 30 to 60 million Buffalo's roaming the plains. The Native Americans hunted the buffalo so they can maintain an accurate amount of food. By the 1700's the Native Americans tamed some of the buffalo, which made hunting easier. The Native Americans moved with the herds so they can have a good supply of food. The Native people used different methods of hunting. One method use is called the Dog Soldier. A group of Native people who are called this, push some of the herd over a cliff so some of the animals would die. During winter they would chance the larger animals onto frozen lakes and slaughter them. The ice made it difficult for the buffalo to run. Warriors did the killing. The woman were responsible for getting the meat. The rest of the buffalo was used for clothing, shelter and weapons. Native American knew that their survival depended on the buffalo. They never killed too many. They only killed wanted they needed and celebrated the life of the buffalo after.
This excerpt reflects that (c.) the document provides protections for English citizens but does not provide equal protections.
Magna Carta was a document issued in the 13th century and it established that everyone, even the monarch, was subject to the law. It was mainly designed to solve the problems that had arisen between the King and the rebel barons.<u> This excerpt shows that, although the document protects the English citizen that commits an offence, it does not offer the same protection that it offers to the man that belongs the highest class</u> <u>since it establishes that, unlike ordinary citizens, earls and barons can only be judged by people that belong to their same social class</u>. The reason why the document offers unequal protection is because <u>Magna Carta had been designed by the barons to ensure that their own rights were protected</u>.