Okay, so I am not going to write this whole thing for you, however I will compare and contrast the two.
Lady Macbeth She really wants her husband to carry out the murders bc she is thirsty to be queen
Macbeth Kinda hesitant to do it, questions if he can but let's his wife persuade him into doing it. After murdering Duncan, Macbeth kinda freaks out and leaves the daggers in Duncan's room and Lady Macbeth has to go back and fix her hubby's mistake
Macbeth and Lady Macbeth are similar before Duncan´s murder because they share a hunger for power no matter the consequences of their doings.They both feel that the stars are on their side and that they will reach the position they long for.Lady Macbeth , though is more secure and confident than her husband and knows he deserves better.It is her that convinces him he should reign .Macbeth needs reassurance from the witches while Lady Macbeth is confident about her husband´s position and wants him to kill Duncan in order to become king.Macbeth is pushed by her because he loves her and needs this support.He is not as strong as she seems to be.He does not know if he will be able to sort out all that it is required for his crowining as a king.Both are ambitious but Lady Macbeth is more determined.