A duck walked up to a lemonade stand and he said t the man running the stand, "Hey! BUM BUM BUM Got any grapes?"
C. Atmosphere - which is the one sphere that means "air" or "gasses". The other ones mean, Biosphere = "living", Lithosphere = "land", and Hydrosphere = "water"
Snowfall is the type of precipitation
There are multiple reasons for the variations in type, quality, and quantity in minerals, such as:
- place of formation, on the surface, or inside the ground and how deep inside.
- pressure; extremely important for the structure of the minerals as well as the mixing of mineral types.
- temperature; similar to the pressure, in fact in combination with it, affects the structure of the minerals.
- tectonic activity and volcanic activity; cause the other factors and are also responsible for the quantity of minerals.