Affective individualism is an alleged process that occurred in industrialized countries in the 1700s, though its existence remains controversial.
The theory argues that, up to that point, the extended family and the wider community represented very strong ties for people, which made the nuclear family a smaller role in emotional fulfillment. This meant that marriages and procreation were often instrumental.
However, with the rise of affective individualism, families started to change in several ways:
- The nuclear family became more important, and the centre of family life.
- Having children became less instrumental an more driven by affective reasons.
- Marriages were more and more commonly based on love, as opposed to convenience.
- Sex became more important as a source of pleasure, and not only as an instrument for reproduction.
It is also argued that these changes, which for the most part accompanied industrialization, helped the development of capitalism.
The Spanish were among the first Europeans to explore the New World and the first to settle in what is now the United States. By 1650, however, England had established a dominant presence on the Atlantic coast. The first colony was founded at Jamestown, Virginia, in 1607.
The welfare state of the United Kingdom comprises expenditures by the government of the United Kingdom intended to improve health, education, employment and social security. The British system has been classified as a liberal welfare state system.
States of the German Confederation
Archduchy of Austria (split into Upper Austria and Lower Austria in 1849)
Kingdom of Bohemia.
Margraviate of Moravia.
Grand Duchy of Salzburg.
Duchy of Carinthia.
Duchy of Carniola.
Duchy of Upper and Lower Silesia.
Duchy of Styria.